Exploit Developer API Route documentation

These routes are available at either https://whatexpsare.online/api/ROUTE or https://weao.xyz/api/ROUTE

Updating exploit statuses

You can update the status of your exploit via this route:

POST /status/update

This endpoint will update the status of your exploit and send a embed in the Discord server.

Below is what you should put in the body of the post request:

{"apiKey": "Exploit API Key", "updated": boolean, "version": "Version"}

However, if the update is a FEATURE update, such as a minor changelog for the same version of Roblox, then you can add the argument below

{"apiKey": "Exploit API Key", "updated": boolean, "feature": true, "version": "Version"}

Before explaining customization, it is suggested to set the argument "ping" to false as this will make the last updated date for the exploit not change, and also not send a ping in the discord server. All other changes will take effect though

{"apiKey": "Exploit API Key", "updated": boolean, "ping": false, "version": "Version"}

You can also customize values of the exploit by adding arguments, below are all of the arguments you can use

The following arguments will be deprecated next API update: purchaselink, detected, beta

Last updated